Locksmith On Call

Locksmith On Call



About Us

LocksmithonCall is a family owned business that has been making Encinitas, CA a safer place to live and work. We offer comprehensive safety services for both residential and commercial customers. LocksmithonCall is committed to providing a friendly and professional experience to each of our clients. From your basic re-key to fully operational video surveillance systems, we are here to meet all your locksmith needs.

While it might be easy to obtain a locksmith service, looking for the right company to provide the service is the hard part. Don’t look so glum! You don’t need to stress anymore because you have us! We have locksmith services and that trustworthy reputation that you’ve been looking for. Believe in us when we say that we can do a lot more than just lock repairs. Our company will make sure that all of your locksmith problems will be resolved at the soonest possible. We’ll always make sure to get to your exact location quickly. We aim to provide our customers only top quality services to ensure optimum results in every locksmith service.


Bruce, Owner
Lock upgrade homeowners common area doors
Master rekey commercial building

Rep/Contact Info

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Bruce Hewett

Printed courtesy of www.encinitaschamber.com – Contact the Encinitas Chamber of Commerce for more information.
535 Encinitas Blvd., Ste 116, Encinitas, CA 92024 – (760) 753-6041 – membership@encinitaschamber.com

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